
Asimplenotesextension,rightinyourbrowser!Easilycopyaroundafewwordstoandfromdifferentbrowserwindowsandotherapps.,詳細資料·版本.1.5.0·已更新.2024年4月25日·回報疑慮·大小.25.89KiB·語言.English·開發人員.網站電子郵件[email protected].,Notyourcomputer?UseGuestmodetosigninprivately.LearnmoreaboutusingGuestmode.Next.Createaccount.Formypersonaluse;Forworkormy ...,評分4.1(1,660,931)·免費·AndroidQu...

Chrome Notes

A simple notes extension, right in your browser! Easily copy around a few words to and from different browser windows and other apps.

Chrome Notes

詳細資料 · 版本. 1.5.0 · 已更新. 2024年4月25日 · 回報疑慮 · 大小. 25.89KiB · 語言. English · 開發人員. 網站 電子郵件. [email protected].

Sign in

Not your computer? Use Guest mode to sign in privately. Learn more about using Guest mode. Next. Create account. For my personal use; For work or my ...

Google Keep - Notes and lists

評分 4.1 (1,660,931) · 免費 · Android Quickly capture what's on your mind and get a reminder later at the right place or time. Speak a voice memo on the go and have it automatically transcribed.

Chrome Notes

A simple notepad extension for Google Chrome. Easily copy around words in your browser, jot down notes for later, download, share, speak out loud and more.

Use the Google Keep Chrome extension

Save content as a note. Select the content you want to save. Right-click and then click Save image to Keep or Save selection to Keep.

Take handwritten notes with Cursive

You can capture, edit, and organize handwritten notes with the Cursive app and a touchscreen Chromebook that works with a stylus.

Google Keep:線上記事與數位筆記本清單

Google Keep 讓您隨時記錄想法,無論是數位記事、清單、相片、繪圖還是語音檔,都能輕鬆保存與分享。

4 simple note-taking extensions for Chrome

4 simple note-taking extensions for Chrome · Google Keep · Papier · Sticky Notes · WorkFlowy. WorkFlowy takes hierarchical structure seriously.